03/08/22 Five Fabulous Facts about Precious Peridot

Stunning peridot, August’s birthstone, is unique amongst gemstones.

handmade earrings with peridot beadsFirstly, it’s the only gemstone in the world that comes in only one colour.

Yes, that’s right. Would you like your peridot in lime green or lime green? Every single other stone you may be familiar with – for example ruby, sapphire, garnet etc. – forms in a range of colours. Peridot’s green colour comes from a mineral called olivine.

Secondly, it’s fine to pronounce it in one of two ways.

I’ve always called the stone PER-EE-DOE with a silent French-like T. But it’s okay to also call it PER-EE-DOT with a hard T. Both pronunciations are acceptable and correct.

Third, peridot has been found in Outer Space.

To be more accurate, it has been discovered in meteorites that crashed into Earth millions of years ago. It’s not unusual for meteorites to contain gem-quality material but the samples are usually tiny and unusable. Apparently, an 18th Century unearthing of an ancient meteorite revealed some sizeable peridots, now in collections and private ownership. In 2006 a NASA spaceship gathered samples from near the sun. These analysed particles included gem-quality peridots which are believed to be as old as our solar system… some 4.5 billion years.

Four, peridot is sometimes confused for emerald.

handmade bracelet with peridot beadsGemologists, these days with lots of knowledge and clever equipment, would not make that mistake but in older times, it was quite common that one stone was misidentified as another. For centuries it was thought that the fantastic green gems gracing the shrine of the Three Holy Kings in Germany’s Cologne Cathedral were emeralds. They turned out, in fact, to be peridots.

Fifth, and lastly, peridot has a clear, fresh energy which can cleanse and heal.

It is said to help release burdens, guilt and obsessions, rejuvenate the whole body and provide confidence. It is also claimed to encourage renewal and a fresh start.

So, there we have it, five facts you possibly didn’t know about this pretty green semi-precious gemstone. If you’re an August-born babe or you want to gift a friend a special present, all my jewellery, plus any other items containing peridot, can be viewed HERE.
